Dr. Gabrielle Gabrielli's Research

In every project, Dr. Gabrielle K. Gabrielli uses her research skills to ensure that the solutions match the needs, as well as to determine important data such as Return on Investment (ROI) and needs assessment.

Dr. Gabrielle K. Gabrielli serves as the evaluator on two current National Science Foundation projects and several past projects. In October 2017, she was awarded a fellowship by EvaluATE to attend the Principal Investigator's conference in Washington, DC.

She also serves as chair of the needs assessment committee for Community Human Services Partnership (CHSP), a group that evaluates financial requests and allocates funds to nonprofit organizations.

Dr. Gabrielle K. Gabrielli frequently conducts projects including Training Needs Assessments (TNAs). She is currently working on the 3rd TNA in the past 10 years for th City of Tallahassee.

Dr. Gabrielle Gabrielli's Evaluation and Research

Dr. Gabrielli completed her Ph.D. in Instructional Systems (College of Education) at Florida State University in fall 2003. In addition to teaching courses in communication, technology, and education, she has also spent 20 years working in the field of distance learning. This is her primary research interest, particularly as it relates to motivation.

The following textbook, of which Dr. Gabrielli was an author, received the Outstanding Human Performance Communication Award from the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI):

Reiser, R.A., & Dempsey, J.V. (Eds.) (2011). Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Ed.

The following textbook, of which Dr. Gabrielli was an author, received the Outstanding Human Performance Communication Award from the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI):

Reiser, R.A., & Dempsey, J.V. (Eds.) (2007). Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Ed.

The book was chosen as the 2007 Outstanding Book in the Field of Instructional Design by the Division of Instructional Development, Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). Dr. Gabrielli also wrote the latest edition chapter published in 2011.

Dr. Gabrielli's dissertation topic was The Effects of Technology-Mediated Instructional Strategies on Motivation, Performance, and Self-Directed Learning. (download entire dissertation or download summary paper). Her thesis topic was Distance Learning: An Examination of Perceived Effectiveness and Student Satisfaction in Higher Education.

The following list includes some of Dr.Gabrielli's favorite research links. If you have any research links you'd like added to this page, please email them to gabrielle@gabrielleconsulting.com.

Technology-Mediated Learning

Education / Cognition / Instructional Systems Design & Development

Motivation, self-directed learning, self-efficacy, self-regulation


Training & Development

  • American Society for Training & Development (ASTD)


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